Global solar tracker installations to reach 752GW between 2024 and 2030


Nextracker is the major tracker supplier in the North American and South American markets. Image: Nextracker

North America is expected to be the major global market for solar trackers in the upcoming years, while over 750GW of trackers will be installed globally between 2024 and 2030, according to a recent report published by S&P Global.

In the Solar tracker market report 2024, S&P Global said about 60GW of trackers were installed globally in 2023 and over 80GW are expected in 2024. In 2027, more than 100GW of trackers will be installed worldwide; the majority of them coming from North America and the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) markets.

(The above content is reproduced from pv-tech,By Simon Yuen)


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